
The Youth Commission of Jhabua Diocese recently held a Faith Formation Camp at Semliya Parish from April 24th to April 27th, attracting around 40 students from the area. The camp aimed to foster the holistic development of youth through sessions on personality development, faith formation, vocation exploration, leadership, and career guidance.

Day 1: Personal Growth and Goal Setting
The camp began with an inspiring session led by Fr. Michael, focusing on personal growth and the importance of setting meaningful goals.

Day 2: Deepening Faith and Spiritual Understanding
Sr. Stella Samad guided the participants through valuable insights on deepening their faith and enhancing spiritual understanding, helping them forge a deeper connection with their beliefs.

Day 3: Exploring Vocational Paths and Callings
Fr. Vishal encouraged the youth to explore their vocational paths and discern their callings, prompting them to reflect on their unique talents and passions.

Day 4: Leadership Skills and Career Choices
The camp concluded with practical sessions on leadership skills and career choices, conducted by Mr. Anuj, a National team member of YCS YSM India, and Ms. Pratibha. They provided practical advice on developing leadership abilities and making informed career decisions.

The Faith Formation Camp proved to be an enriching experience for all participants, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently navigate their personal and spiritual journeys.



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