
25 YEARS! It’s the silver jubilee. I congratulate our National Newsletter ‘The Search’ for completing its 25 years. It’s the time to celebrate, as it has always been blooming like a lovely flower. I am very much delighted to be in union with ‘The Search’, the heart of our Movement which is every time pumping happiness into our lives. The magazine has been helpful in giving me new thoughts and a new life. A life full of joy and will power to work for the society.  I really enjoy reading and writing for it. I just want to say that ‘The Search’ is a great magazine. Students! Keep reading and get enlightened.

       (Exco-Northern Region)

‘The Search’ makes the searchers to search and quench their thirst of finding everything possible even from the impossible. A unique creativity that triggers the inner spirit of the young to rise against endless societal crisis.                                                                                                                                                             

Mrs. Jovita Francis,
          Rosary Mat. Hr. Sec. School, Chennai.

We are very happy to read the search. The newsletter is very inspiring and encouraging to see students with great ideas to make this world a better place. CONGRATS on your jubilee issues!! Keep going with the spirit with Christ as your guide!

                          With love,
                    Mrs. & Mr. Raju, Hyderabad.

‘The Search’ is not just a magazine but it is the hope and the way for the bright future of youngsters. ‘Search’ is the expression of young minds in creating a better society to live in.

Jean D’Monte,
       St Ursula’s A. I. Hr. Sec School,
Chennai - 6.

The members of the editorial are doing a great job. The magazine is helping students to take an active part in the society. In today’s world, students surely need a magazine like ‘The Search’.



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