
All people are born originals, but they end up as copies. God created man and woman and gave them the image and the spirit of goodness. Discipline oriented traditions of our society that insist on order and obedience and ‘media production’ in our educational system smother personality of children and produce monotonous copies of some blue print. All people and specially youngsters are forced to follow a line of least resistance and fall in line with the rest. The image of God in every person must blossom and reflect the thirst of God in his own unique way – person fully alive, is the glory of God.

The YCS/YSM movement endeavors to cultivate what is best in every student. It challenges students to swim and march against the current issues. In this movement our youngsters are trained to ponder, and instruct before they make their personal decisions in life. In this they grow up as mature persons and good citizens, imbibed with spiritual and moral values to build up society.

A Student in his/her teens experiences an urge to surpass others in everything. He/she aims at excellence and perfection. Being in a transition stage he/she experiences insecurity, confusion and conflicts of an emotional, intellectual and spiritual nature. This craves for acceptance, love, support and guidance from people around him. He/she is constantly searching for answers to their many questions and groping for a meaning in their life. There is constant search within oneself to discover and understand him/her self with all good and bad qualities.

It is education, religion, and media that play a role in their life. The tradition and customs in the society to find his/her way out of this maze. The present education, productive and functional does not give full formation. The student is to be help of to fight against evil forces of society by fostering the very values of individualism. The family has to play the better role in our youngster’ life. The fact that a cell is formed, the animator becomes main instrument to play the proper role. The aim of YCS/YSM is to endure new society where people live in harmony, total freedom for a complete growth of individual in accepting others in spite of their trails and difficulties in his day today life. As animators let us get bubbled with hope in this movement in achieving collective efforts of students and other men of good will. Forming cells will help the students to self-discovery and development of talents and skills organizing capacities, and holding leadership qualities. Let us cultivate spirit of acceptance, sharing which help to clarify their vision of life. Led and guided with right attitude and vales students will build up by themselves and others and also deepen their awareness of the situation around them.

We live in a rapidly changing world in which many of our values are questioned. We need to know how much to adapt and where we have to stand firm by the principles that cannot vary with changing times. Let us look forward, leading the youth on the path of righteousness for a better future, making them responsible citizens of their own society. May this YCS/YSM movement help the young students in this discerning process. And therefore, I say to the animator’s “Let us march towards the society…Bubbling with hope of new vision.”

- Sr.Flory D’Monte
  Panijim, Goa

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