

I am told to do the impossible, and that is to write down my experience of this National Convention in a paragraph of five to six lines.For me this National Convention was a whole new thing in which I did many things that I don’t do in my daily life, one of the biggest thing was accounting(though comparing to the international convention it was a small amount, but still). Thanks to my partner Ms. Sharon Raymond. I also got the opportunity to work with the new Nexcos, in which I tried my best to help them in all the ways possible. I personally thank Leo Anna, Carlos Anna, Alice, Valan, Jovita di, Lara and Sharon di for the time of work spent together. At last I thank Fr. Charlie and his team for calling me to this convention. And a very big thanks to Fr. Charlie again for being there for us always.

- Melwyn Titus, Former Nexco, Nagpur

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