
Sleep is one of the greatest blessings of life. It is a gift. Sleep is indispensable condition to the recuperation of energy. Sleep repairs the wear and tear of body and mind incurred during the hours we are awake. It is a basic need for man’s mental as well as physical life. Therefore it is said, “the prosperous person is the one who can sleep well”. To sleep well one should have a relaxed mind, detachment of the past, a thought of the present or hope for the future is essential. Sleeping well is an art. It needs a perfect blend of healthy habits and control of mind. A clean body and mind, relaxed mood, physical exercise, and perfect dietary control are some of the basic sleep-inducing methods.

We must avoid unpleasant situations at bedtime such as arguments, quarrels, watching a horror movie, listening to loud music that would create anxiety, fear, excitement and worries. Such situations tend to keep one awake.

The sleeping place should be well ventilated with balanced temperature and free from noise. One should not go to bed immediately after food. The mind needs more rest than the body. So do anything and everything with joy and not to seek joy but always wish to sleep well as it is a great blessing in this world.

- Michelle Mascarenhas
Blessed Joseph Vaz High School (Goa)


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